
Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Update

I've read a bunch of books recently that I haven't reviewed, so one of these days I'll do that. Don't ask why I haven't done it yet. There's no good reason.

Husband and I hung out at a bookstore last night and I brought home two new books:

First was the new and updated version of The President's Daughter by Ellen Emerson White. As I commented on about 20 blogs not too long ago, I loved, loved, loved this book as a kid and am just so thrilled to get to read it again. I started reading is last night at the bookstore and really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to going home to finish it. Regarding the updates: seeing what's different has been fun and, fortunately, not distracting. And all the old things that made this book stay in my memory all these years are still there. Just now, when Meg asks for a martini, I'm old enough to drink one!

I have such a soft spot for Jan Karon's Mitford books. I know they aren't great literature, but I enjoy them. So I was happy to finally be able to get Home to Holly Springs, her first book in the new Father Tim series, in paperback.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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